DOJ subpoenas 3 NYC hotels used as shelters – CBS New York 300&&e.fetchStart>l)return!0;return!1})())||(w=8),!E&&R&&(w=16),!E&&!a||(function(e,a,i){if(!/bot|spider|headlesschrome|java//i.test(navigator.userAgent||””)&&(new(function(){e=(function h(e,t,r,n){if(!e||(function e(r,n,i,o){for(o=0;r&&o0&&(r[o+1]||[]).unshift(i),i=(n=t[r[o]])&&n(e,r[o+1]||[]);return i})(e))return r.apply(this,n||[])}([0,[[1,[[[3,[“%61%64%256d%62%2565ne%66%256%39%74%73”],2,[“”]]]]]]],[function a(e,t){return!e(t[0])},function o(e,t){for(var r=!1,n=0;!r&&t[0]&&n

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As CBS News New York’s Eljiah Westbrook reports, sources tell us the hotels have received subpoenas seeking the names, birthdays and other personal information about migrants who have stayed there.

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