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It's that spooky time of year, Massachusetts! With Halloween just a few days away, perhaps there's some spots you may want to venture to for a party with friends. That being said, just beware of what could be lurking in your hotel that you stay at. As it turns out, Massachusetts is home to three of the most haunted hotels in, not just the U.S., but the world. You never know what could go bump in the night at any of these three locations to stay at, if you dare of course.”,”podInfo”:{“type”:”tag”,”name”:”p”,”attribs”:{“dangerouslySetInnerHTML”:{“__html”:”It's that spooky time of year, Massachusetts! With Halloween just a few days away, perhaps there's some spots you may want to venture to for a party with friends. That being said, just beware of what could be lurking in your hotel that you stay at. As it turns out, Massachusetts is home to three of the most haunted hotels in, not just the U.S., but the world. You never know what could go bump in the night at any of these three locations to stay at, if you dare of course.”}}}},”currentTextLength”:505,”runningCounter”:1,”cumulativePodTextLength”:505,”totalSimilarConsecutiveElements”:3,”totalTextLength”:1130},{“type”:”singlePostText”,”data”:{“text”:”

The popular travel publication, 'Conde Nast Traveler', released a list of 55 Haunted Hotels Around the World You Can Stay At—If You Dare. With such a rich history, it shouldn't be too big of a surprise that Massachusetts had at least one spot on the list. But instead, we have three. Historic hotels often come with plenty of stories to tell as guests and staff will pass on tales of ghost stories throughout each structure's history. So, let's find out where it is in Massachusetts that has the some of the most haunted hotels in the world.”,”podInfo”:{“type”:”tag”,”name”:”p”,”attribs”:{“dangerouslySetInnerHTML”:{“__html”:”The popular travel publication, 'Conde Nast Traveler', released a list of 55 Haunted Hotels Around the World You Can Stay At—If You Dare. With such a rich history, it shouldn't be too big of a surprise that Massachusetts had at least one spot on the list. But instead, we have three. Historic hotels often come with plenty of stories to tell as guests and staff will pass on tales of ghost stories throughout each structure's history. So, let's find out where it is in Massachusetts that has the some of the most haunted hotels in the world.”}}}},”currentTextLength”:588,”runningCounter”:2,”cumulativePodTextLength”:1093,”totalSimilarConsecutiveElements”:3,”totalTextLength”:1130},{“type”:”singlePostInArticleAd”,”data”:{}},{“type”:”singlePostText”,”data”:{“text”:”

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